
2019, 16 episodes

Genre : Drama, Thriller, Mystery

Produced by Base Entertainment, Fourcolours Films

Writer : Nonny Boenawan,Kanya K Priyanti,Ambaridzki Ramadhantyo,Ratih Kumala

Director : Sidharta Tata,Wicaksono Wisnu Legowo,Ifa Isfansyah

Cast : Donny Alamsyah, Putri Ayudya, Andri Mashadi, Hana Malasan, Verdi Solaiman, Vincent, Abdurrahman Arif, Dicky Difie

The life of a reliable detective named Tigor changes drastically after he is thrown into the future when an investigation into a serial murder case in Yogyakarta, 1990 is being carried out.
